Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as the saying goes, and the ladies in today are no exception. Do you think some of their reactions are justified? Do you think crazy ex-boyfriends could ever match these girls for sheer inventiveness. Here are 15 crazy ex-girlfriends you won’t believe existed
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Legal notes
Video narrated by Doopie https://twitter.com/DoopieDoOver
Script written by C. Cole https://chriscole.co.uk
Video edited by martiAn https://twitter.com/trekkie_martian
Image credits & information sources for this video: https://pastebin.com/QQn80xpZ
Planet Dolan PTY LTD have made reasonable inquiries within the timeframe available to identify the source of any images/information used and attribute the source accordingly.
“DD Groove” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
15 Craziest Ex-Girlfriends You Won't Believe Existed ─ Planet Dolan

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