Big Scary Spider In Pool On Optimus Prime Ants Attacking Queen Mystery Uncovered ─ leokimvideo

Large nasty spider in the children's pool on Optimus Prime. This looks very much like a Sydney Funnel Web and I feel it's too large to be a Wolf Spider. It's possibly too brown to be a Funnel Web but I'm not taking any chances. A very quick method of spider control is use a flamethrower. It kills the spider instantly but it's non selective! Because I did not use a chemical spider control I can feed this large spider to a Ant colony in the garden. It's the middle of Winter and the Ants are not manic. One mystery I uncover is what looks like a Queen Ant being attacked by other ants. And for the ant colony to accept the spider as a meal I learn that the ants can be quick picky eaters. But when served correctly the spider is eaten within a day. I do take a peek at where the Redback Spiders lurk and it's looking like a horror scene. In a few months the Redbacks will be back to Summer breeding. I'll be there ready to capture them for Spider Tank 2.0.
I'm lucky my son was not bitten by this spider, he was playing with some Pirates Of the Caribbean toys that were boats that do not float. The problem with toys and pool outside is they can be a place where spider love to play. Spiders have an ability to survive under water so seeing a spider that looks dead at the bottom of the pool is no guarantee that the spider is actually dead. Spider are expert at playing dead so always be really careful when dealing with spiders that have lurked into the wrong areas.

Leokimvideo is the home of the 'Big Spider Attacks' videos on youtube! You must have written permission from me to use any part of this video, that's the rules.

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