DUMBEST WAY WE'VE ASKED SOMEBODY OUT | Dolan True Stories ─ Planet Dolan

From accidentally cussing someone out in sign language to trying to ask someone out with telepathy, the Planet Dolan crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the dumbest ways we’ve asked people out

What's the most desperate thing you've done to save money? Let us know on our reddit page and you may be featured in a future countdown. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetDolan/...

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/planetdolan

Legal notes
Art & illustrations by Mimi_Up : https://twitter.com/Mimi__up
Video narrated by Zaraganba https://twitter.com/BrotherDolan
Stories curated/edited by TimeWanderer https://www.twitch.tv/timewanderer33
Video edited by Cid https://twitter.com/CidiusV
From https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetDolan/...

10 – Eggs-Ben-Addict
CHARACTER: Legna https://twitter.com/VoiceActorLegna

9 – iFrantiic
CHARACTER: Spinalpalm: https://twitter.com/Spinalpalm

8 – crackc4t
CHARACTER: Grgak: https://twitter.com/GrgakGames

7 – SecretBoy56
CHARACTER: Danger Dolan: https://twitter.com/TheDDGuides

6 – TrashQueen09
CHARACTER: Spincess https://twitter.com/ArachnidMafia

5 – Jediarereal26
CHARACTER: Gooby: https://twitter.com/ScGooby

4 – mettatonslegs14
CHARACTER: Ladybot: https://twitter.com/Ladybot3

3 – Firedragon_X
CHARACTER: Hellbent: https://twitter.com/Heckbent

2 – BossBliss1234_4321
CHARACTER: Ramona https:twitter.com/HellyeahRamona

1 – Zaraganba

Music and Artists: https://pastebin.com/gsRCHZsd

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