I'm Being Haunted. Story Time. ─ Danielle Mansutti

Story time on my scary experiences with shadow people, sleep paralysis, being followed and being haunted. I absolutely hated having to edit through this and hear back everything, I can't put into words how this presence makes me feel. Sleep paralysis is without a doubt the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced in my life, and the aftermath of having this shadow following me around has ultimately left me with no option but to sleep with my light on every night and to hope I don't die during my sleep. Sometimes when you know... You just know. And I know there's something that shouldn't be here in this old building.

♡ Social Media ♡
● Blog: https://danimansutti.com/
● Shop: http://danibeauty.com/
● Vlog / Gaming Channel: http://bit.ly/2fEQ2Fg
● Facebook: http://bit.ly/2vleliM
● Twitter: @danimansuttii
● Instagram: @danimansutti
● Snapchat: @danimansutti
(Some have two i's... Sorry to be so confusing!)

♡ Business Inquiries ♡
● All except Australia:
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♡ Equipment ♡
Canon 5D Mark IV
Edited on: Final Cut Pro
This video is not sponsored

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