OUR WEIRDEST PERSONAL SECRETS #4 | Dolan True Stories ─ Planet Dolan

From getting scratched in the dark, to eating other human beings, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about our weirdest secrets

What’s the cringiest thing that happened to you at school? Let us know on our reddit page and you may be featured in a future countdown

Come work for PLANET DOLAN! You can find job listings here:

Legal notes
Art & illustrations by DreaChu https://twitter.com/DreaChu
Video narrated by Zaraganba https://twitter.com/BrotherDolan
Stories curated/edited by Ramona https://twitter.com/Hellyeahramona
Video edited by CivilSpider www.youtube.com/c/papcrypto
From https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetDolan/...

10 – Ninjamanwolf93
CHARACTER: Nixxiom https://twitter.com/Nixxiom

9 – Henzahai
CHARACTER: Dolan https://twitter.com/TheDDGuides

8 – azurajae
CHARACTER: Grgak https://twitter.com/GrgakGames

7 – Munman11
CHARACTER: Hellbent https://twitter.com/Heckbent

6 – DrFlappyWang
CHARACTER: Tolop https://twitter.com/tolop07

5 – TheRageQuiter123
CHARACTER: Slapped Ham https://twitter.com/SlappedHam

4 – ihavenousername12
CHARACTER: Gooby https://twitter.com/ScGooby

3 – ZombieCorgi
CHARACTER: MKyleM https://twitter.com/mkylem

2 – MightyWolfGirl5
CHARACTER: SpinalPalm https://twitter.com/Spinalpalm

1 – Zaraganba https://twitter.com/BrotherDolan

Music and Artists: https://pastebin.com/gYqNsR4u

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