Black Widow? Redback Spider? or is this a very different spider that looks very dangerous. While doing a tidy up I come across spider nests set up in bricks. Initially I thought these are Redback Spiders but on closer inspection it looks like False Widows. These spiders look almost identical to the North American Black Widow spider being a similar size, shape and web structure. Maybe the only clue they are False Widows is the cooler area they live in and slight white markings. What is absent is the red hourglass shape that's found underneath the Black Widow and Redback spiders. These False Widows are the same spiders that lived in my Redback spider tank from week 1. They somehow earned the respect of the killer female Redback spiders and proved to me they also can catch and kill in the same style as Redback and Black Widow spiders.
Steatoda grossa, commonly known as the cupboard spider, the dark comb-footed spider, the brown house spider (in Australia), or the false black widow (though several other species are known by these names), is a common species of spider in the genus Steatoda.
It is a cosmopolitan species found in many parts of the world, including North America, Australasia, and Europe. As one of this spider's common names indicates, the spider superficially resembles, and is frequently confused for, the black widow and other venomous spiders in the genus Latrodectus.
A UK YouTuber called Scott sent me info related to controlling False Widow spiders. In this video I see how effective this alternative spider control method is.
Web Links :
Spiders Attack Bug Battle Black Widows Or False Widows ─ leokimvideo

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