DUMBEST THINGS WE'VE FOUGHT OVER #3 | Dolan True Stories ─ Planet Dolan

From whether penguins are seafood to which of your children is the worst, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact more of the best true stories from our subreddit about the dumbest things we’ve seen people fight over
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What's the strangest conversation you've ever overheard? Let us know on our reddit page and you may be featured in a future countdown. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetDolan/...

Legal notes
Stories curated/edited by Tom O: https://twitter.com/Conveniently_So
Video narrated by Hellbent: https://twitter.com/Heckbent
Art & illustrations by Salty_Squid: https://twitter.com/SquidWasTaken
Video edited by Cid: https://www.youtube.com/c/CidiusV
From https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetDolan/...

10 – saggypigeon
CHARACTER: Pringle: https://twitter.com/PringleTheOne

CHARACTER: Nixxiom: https://twitter.com/Nixxiom

8 – murdoc-is-god
CHARACTER: Honeybits: https://twitter.com/honeeybits

7 – xXElizaspinksXx
CHARACTER: Spincess: https://twitter.com/ArachnidMafia

6 – hellbentbebetter
CHARACTER: TimeWanderer: https://twitter.com/Dean_Holden

5 – Redhawkg
CHARACTER: Doopie: https://twitter.com/DoopieDoOver

4 – 808CoffeeRun
CHARACTER: Cid: https://www.youtube.com/c/CidiusV

3 – Hiroko-San
CHARACTER: Pandora: https://twitter.com/PBarzahd

2 – sleepbaby77
CHARACTER: Danger Dolan: https://twitter.com/TheDDGuides

1 – Hellbent: https://twitter.com/Heckbent

Music and Artists: https://pastebin.com/Gvugz0bh

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