Captain America (Infinity War) vs Spider-Man (Civil War) ─ KjraGaming

Captain America (Infinity War) vs Spider-Man (Civil War)

#KjraGaming #EpicBattle #EpicSuperheroesBattle

The epic battle between Captain America vs Spider-Man place in Game Grand Theft Auto V

Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers is a World War II veteran, and is known as the world's first superhero. Born in Brooklyn, New York City, the young Rogers suffered from numerous health problems, and upon America's entry into World War II, was rejected from military service despite several attempts to enlist. Determined to serve, he ultimately volunteered for the top-secret Super Soldier program, and the frail Rogers was enhanced to the peak of human perfection. He soon joined the war effort as a mascot, given the moniker of Captain America, and later joined the war in a combat role after he single-handedly liberated captured Allied POWs.

Peter Benjamin Parker was a high school student and a superhero with spider-like abilities, fighting crime as his alter ego Spider-Man. After receiving his abilities from a spider's bite, Parker chose to protect Queens from crime with his powers, juggling all of his superhero duties and the demands of his high school life. Despite his best efforts to keep his identity secret from the world, he was found and recruited by Tony Stark in the Avengers Civil War, while gaining a new suit and technology in exchange for his help.

Script by JulioNIB

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Be sure to check out other epic battles between superheroes:

★ Captain America vs Ant-Man

★ Captain America vs Wonder Woman

★ Spider-Man vs Ben 10

★ Spider-Man vs Iron Spider

★ Spider-Man vs Lizard

#CaptainAmerica #vs #Spiderman

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