Thomas The Tank is one of the most popular Children's merchandise brands. Let's look over my collection of backpacks, bags and school bags that go all the way back to 2001. It's quite amazing how in 18 years so much can change. In particular around the years 2009 / 2010. Apart from the real Thomas & Friends merchandise I will also look at the fake knock off merchandise. So often the fake Thomas bags have unusual artwork, strange fonts, and no licensing tags inside the bag. The fake bags are also an inferior build Vs the real Thomas merchandise. In the time I collected these bags I have many Thomas & Friends bags and only one Chuggington bag. Very curious to see how Thomas & Friends changed the designs just prior to Chuggingtons 2010 appearance. For me the nicest era of Thomas bag artwork is back in 2001. Back then the bags had simple bright designs that also provided added visual safety for children using them. As the years roll on the artwork on the bags seem to change. Thomas looks like he's an anime character, or in some sort of train crash. It's just so different to but is it more appealing. Very strangely at the time of making this video there were no new Thomas backpacks for sale. It's almost as if Thomas didn't exist as a choice for young children picking a bag to take to kindi or school. Part of me is surprised, but in reality I'm not surprised at all by seeing no new Thomas stock. Much of this collection came via a local charity shop that closed down 2 years ago. Sadly these bags were rarely ever purchased 2nd hand. Their fate was usually always the trash bin.
Thomas & Friends ranked number one in the preschool toys category in the U.S. and made the top 10 for the entire U.S. toy industry in 2010. In January 2011, Thomas & Friends ranked as the number-one preschool toy property in the U.K. for the 11th year in a row. Thomas is also a top-selling toy property in Australia, Germany, Japan and Korea. While the total traditional toy industry in the United States increased 1.9 per cent in 2010, overall Thomas & Friends toy sales increased over 47.1 per cent. So yeah Thomas is super popular.
Web Links :
Thomas And Friends Backpacks & Bag Collection 2001 to 2018 ─ leokimvideo

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