OUR FIRST BABY'S GENDER REVEAL!!!! Omg guys we were NOT expecting this!!!! To say this was a surprise is an understatement!!
When Darren and I first found out we were having a baby we had a feeling it was a boy. I was pretty sure it was a boy up until about 3 weeks ago when both my mum and the lady doing our 12 week scan convinced me we were having a girl! Both Darren and I were then pretty sure we were expecting a little girl, and I mean I was 100% SURE the baby was a girl. When I popped the balloon and opened my eyes to see blue confetti I was SO SHOCKED! And SO happy!!! We're having a little boy! We are absolutely delighted! We cant wait to take you guys on this journey with us! Thank you so much for watching!
We have to say a HUGE thank you to our BFF Michelle for keeping our baby's gender a secret from us despite my prodding lol!!! And for organizing the amazing balloons and confetti blower! You're the best!
✔ S U B S C R I B E
✔ I N S T A G R A M
✔ S N A P C H A T
✔ T W I T T E R
✔ F A C E B O O K
✔ E M A I L (business only contact)
[email protected]
For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at [email protected]
GENDER REVEAL!! We WERE NOT expecting this!!! ─ Stephanie Lange

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