Darren and I are beyond excited to tell you guys that we're having our first a baby! Little McB is due in October and it still doesn't feel real! I asked you guys on Instagram what topics you wanted us to talk about in this video and you guys asked:
- will we raise the baby vegan?
- was it planned / were we trying?
- will we find out the gender?
- how do we think the dogs will react?
- are we going to get rushed married now lol
We answer all those questions and more in this video and we really hope you enjoy it!
To follow our pregnancy journey follow us both on Instagram!
Stephanie: @_stephanielange_
Darren: @darrenmcbrearty
Stay tuned for Monday night when I upload Darren's reaction to when I told him I was pregnant! He didn't know I was filming lol!
✔ S U B S C R I B E
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✔ S N A P C H A T
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✔ F A C E B O O K
✔ E M A I L (business only contact)
[email protected]
For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at [email protected]
I'M PREGNANT!!! ─ Stephanie Lange

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