In this week's #TeaTuesday video I'M asking YOU; has cancel culture gone too far? Do James Charles, Tati Westbrook and Jeffree Star all deserve to be cancelled?
Here's the original video I did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaB6A...
The drama that we've witnessed over these last few weeks has been crazy. The internet mob mentality went to new levels, and the beauty community became quite a toxic place.
YouTube is a platform where everyone's opinions are welcome, and encouraged. Whilst we still have free speech, everyone has the right to say what they feel. However, in my opinion if you are going to voice your opinion, make sure its done in a polite and respectful manner.
I actually wish that more people that I know in this industry WOULD speak up when something like this happens, as I really feel that they could offer a much calmer, kinder perspective on the dramas that go on in our community, and help to balance out the pure vitriol that goes on on youtube. These amazing people I know in this industry don't speak up however, because they don't want to face the mob mentality, and they don't want to be subject to abusive comments – and honestly from what I experienced 2 weeks ago – I don't blame them.
It's one thing to have an opinion on a YouTube drama that's unfolding, and to share it respectfully and with out bias, and its also completely acceptable to hold people accountable for their actions. What's not acceptable though, is to assume you know all the facts about a situation or person simply because you've heard ONE persons side of the story. Ganging up on people and sending someone hate mail and death threats is NEVER going to be acceptable. That should NOT be an accepted way of responding to someone who finds themselves in youtube drama, and it is certainly not the way to hold someone accountable for their actions.
As a community, we could all do better to spread kindness, empathy and understanding rather than hate and abuse. That would make this platform a much happier place in my opinion! x
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WHEN DRAMA GOES TOO FAR. Cancelling James Charles, Tati Westbrook & Jeffree Star #TEATUESDAYS ─ Stephanie Lange

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