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I can't believe I'm filming my own whats in my hospital bag video! It's getting so real and exciting now, I cant wait to meet my baby!! I wasn't sure what to pack, so I've probably packed the most random / unnecessary things, and forgotten loads of important things (first time mum problems) so please help me out with your suggestions in the comments! Love you guys! x
P R O D U C T S F E A T U R E D I N V I D E O:
- The audiobook I'm listening to is: 'Your Baby, Your Birth' by Hollie DeCruz. You can sign up and listen to it here: http://www.audible.com/stephanielange
- The Little Green Sheep sleep suit and organic fitted sheet are from here: https://www.thelittlegreensheep.co.uk/
- Baba & Boo cloth nappies: https://www.babaandboo.com/
- Close Parent Pop In Newborn Nappies: https://www.closeparent.com/shop-now/...
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For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at [email protected]
FTC Disclaimer:
A small portion of this video was sponsored by AUDIBLE.
Some of the above links may be affiliate links. Affiliate links means that if you click the link and purchase items through that link, I may receive a small commission on that purchase. You don't have to use my links, but I really appreciate it if you do! All opinions are 100% mine. I only talk about products I genuinely like and only give honest reviews.
WHAT'S IN MY HOSPITAL BAG FOR LABOR & DELIVERY (First Time Mum!) ─ Stephanie Lange

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