10 WAYS TO LOOK PRETTIER INSTANTLY!! Tricks that actually WORK! ─ Stephanie Lange

10 Easy Ways to Look Prettier INSTANTLY!
Tips and tricks that actually WORK!
For more info on imPRESS Manicure: http://bit.ly/imPRESS_Stephanie
Obviously we're all gorgeous anyway and you don't actually HAVE to do anything to look prettier – BUT! For those days where you're just feeling like a bit of a potato and want to do something to pep yourself up, this video will come in handy!
You could do all 10 tricks to look and feel instantly prettier, or you could pick one or two. I find that when I feel like I look 'pretty', my confidence goes up and I feel good too, so I hope that you guys will enjoy this video! x

P R O D U C T S F E A T U R E D I N V I D E O:

- imPRESS Press On Manicure Nails: http://bit.ly/imPRESS_Stephanie
- MARIA TASH Earrings:
DAITH: http://bit.ly/2m7JcvV
SMALL DIAMOND EARRING: http://bit.ly/2kVlJhj
- ASTRID & MIYU Earrings:
STAR HUGGIE: http://bit.ly/2m7MfEn
HOOPS: http://bit.ly/2l4T1dJ
- FACE MASK FABFITFUN BOX: www.fabfitfun.com (use: SLANGE10 for 20% off!)
- IT COSMETICS Bye Bye Redness Concealer http://bit.ly/2mDllV1
- BONDI SANDS Dark Tanning Lotion: http://bit.ly/2l4VhBJ
- LOVING TAN Face Tan: http://bit.ly/2kWy0lB
- CHARLOTTE TILBURY Iconic Nude Lip Liner:
(UK / IE) http://bit.ly/2KEfKt0
(US) http://bit.ly/2l8OkzF
- SILKFRED Cami Top http://bit.ly/2m6By4N

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A portion of this video was sponsored by imPRESS Press On Manicure. Some of the above links are affiliate links which mean I receive a small commission from the brands if you use my links.
For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at info@stephlange.com

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