EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART… honestly right now i'm just trying to hold it together. Care/of makes it easy to get the best quality vitamins and protein you need. Take the quiz and get your research-backed recommendation. Go to http://bit.ly/33ZC8mj and use code STEPH25 to get 25% off your first order.
So as you guys know, Darren and I bought a house. And we are SO grateful. I don't think i'll ever get used to owning a house because it was my dream for so long, i still can't believe its happened! HOWEVER, there is so much that needs fixed with it. Everything is falling apart or broken. All the electrics in the house need redone just to make it safe, the pluming needs fixed, the heating system needed to be replaced (bye money!), the stairs need to be replaced, the guttering... the list goes on and on! Anyway, we're working with an extremely tight budget here so wish us luck guys! x
P R O D U C T S F E A T U R E D I N V I D E O:
- CARE OF Vitamins & Protein http://bit.ly/33ZC8mj (Use STEPH25 for 25% off your first order)
- SILKFRED Dress https://bit.ly/2lOrVbk
- KERIKIT Backpack / Nappy Bag http://bit.ly/2n1hjFY
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❤ I N S T A G R A M
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❤ E M A I L (business only contact)
[email protected]
A portion of this video was sponsored by CARE OF.
For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at [email protected]

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