Have we made a huge mistake?!
This week has been a challenging one!
Our water ran out AGAIN, leaving us with no water for almost a WEEK! You don't realise how much you need water in your home until you don't have it lol! It got me wondering, did we make a mistake with our house purchase?! We thought we were being sensible buying within our budget, and we do love our home SO MUCH (and are so grateful that we even GET to own a home!) but trying to fix so much is getting a bit overwhelming (not to mention expensive!) Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this weeks vlog! And a huge thank you to this weeks sponsor, Frank Body! x
P R O D U C T S F E A T U R E D I N V I D E O:
- FRANK BODY Pore-ifics Kit https://frankbody.co/30gHmc7
You can get 15% off all orders over £20 on frankbody.com right now using the code STEPHANIE15!
EYE BRUSH SET: http://bit.ly/37M8eUJ
FACE BRUSH SET: http://bit.ly/34BcBjs
FACE & EYE BRUSH SET: http://bit.ly/2q84NXo
- OFRA Highlight in 'Rodeo Drive' (use: STEPHANIE for 20% off) http://bit.ly/2tRXwZK
(UK/IE) http://bit.ly/2VqoWTu
SIGMA Brow Pencil https://bit.ly/2Ejs4K3 (use: stephanie10 for 10% off!)
- MAKEUP GEEK Eyeshadows https://mkgk.co/stephanielange (use: STEPHANIELANGE for $$$ off!)
- THE HAPPY PEAR Recipe Book https://amzn.to/3b1Z2Ni
A PORTION OF THIS VIDEO IS SPONSORED BY: Frank Body! Thank you for supporting me!
Some of the above links are affiliate links which mean I receive a small commission from the brands if you use my links. You don't have to use my links, but I really appreciate your support if you do!
For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact Claudia at [email protected]
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stephilalalange❤ T W I T T E R
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HAVE WE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE..?! ─ Stephanie Lange
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