Thomas The Tank Toy Story Toys Before And After Christmas Study & Mattel Vs Hasbro Share Price ─ leokimvideo

A toy story study of Thomas & Friends toys and Disney Toy Story 4 toys in a toy store two days before Christmas, then two days after Christmas. Bluey toys were selling like hot cakes and again the Thomas The Tank toys have a huge supply and demand issue going on. This problem has been happening for a long time now. As for the Toy Story 4 toys they have been in store for a very long time and basically did not sell before Christmas. The Toy Story 4 toys are splashed across many areas in store, yet the tiny 'one cell' are for Thomas & Friends toys is sadly covered in Paw Patrol toys. So often I see Paw patrol toys in the Thomas toy area across many toy retailers. I also take a look at a Myer retail shop that's closing down and it's sad to see something that was so familiar getting stripped out to nothing. To keep this video interesting in a grown up way we ponder the Mattel toy company share price Vs Hasbro. It's something I have been looking at for a long time now and I don't understand how two huge toy companies have two totally different share prices. What causes Mattel's share price to do the huge spikes in price every so often?

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