Well, this is sad. Freelee reacts to Jenna Marbles Favorite TikTok with baby cow ─ Freelee The BananaGirl

Jenna Marbles recently watched her favourite TikTok's and one included a "veal" calf in a stall being fed milk formula. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S79Gc... Julien and Jenna react to this scene and I react to them. Jenna Marbles went vegan around 6 years ago after watching my videos. I couldn't be happier that she is eating plant foods but as I remind her in this video, veganism is about animals, not food, and this TikTok is disturbing.

Draw my life cow:

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Go Fruit Yourself eBook, Weight loss on RAW FOOD: https://thebananagirl.com


#freeleethebananagirl #rawtill4diet #jennamarbles #tiktok

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