Click here and use code steph20 to save 20% on your first BYO Deodorant pack!
As new mum's we can tend to put our own self care on the back burner whilst we look after our babies. But to look after everyone else, we need to look after ourselves too! In this video I give you a look at my own realistic self care routine, including food, skincare and exercise. I hope you guys enjoy this video and get some ideas for your own self care routines! Love ya! x
This video is sponsored by NATIVE. Thank you!
P R O D U C T S F E A T U R E D I N V I D E O :
- NATIVE Deodorant: use code steph20 to save 20% on your first BYO Deodorant pack!
FUNCTION OF BEAUTY Shampoo and Conditioner - Use this link: to get 20% off your custom formula from Function of Beauty (not sponsored)
Yoga with Adriene:
- FRANK BODY Face Mask: You can get 15% off all orders over £20 on right now using the code STEPHANIE15! (not sponsored)
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stephilalalange❤ T W I T T E R
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NATIVE DEODORANT REVIEW #sponsored #workingwithNative #sharenative #naturaldeodorant
New Mum Self Care Routine (Realistic) ─ Stephanie Lange

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