After the scary bug battle between a deadly Redback Black Widow spider and the giant brown Katydids / Grasshopper / Locust. The Redback spider waits for her venom to take effect. The Katydid was given a number of spider bites and held in position by super sticky spider web. Now the spider has a huge meal to digest and in this video I do a time lapse study of this feeding process. There are certain areas where the Redback spider literally sucks the fluids out of the Grasshopper and the spider seems to do a blow and suck method to get the maximum feed. These Katydids are large powerful insects that have a very mean bite. The Redback spider had to do lots of work to take control of such a powerful critter. The dead Praying Mantis was a totally different battle that showed everyone that sometimes it's a very cautious waiting game for a spider to take out an opponent. The Redback Spider never fed from the Praying Mantis. It was a very complex battle links below.
Deadly Spider Vs Giant Praying Mantis Round 1 Scary Bug War
Deadly Spider Vs Giant Praying Mantis Round 2 Scary Bug War
Deadly Spider Vs Giant Praying Mantis Round 3 Scary Bug War
The Australian Redback spider is close relation to the american Black Widow spider. At my place the Redback is a deadly pest that's become a spider study of how these spider breed and kill. It's a totally awesome spider that's quite capable of overpowering much larger critters and small reptiles. These spider battles were shot between week 12 to week 16 of my deadly Redback spider study.
There are about 3,000 species of orthopterans in Australia and they have the following features: Powerful hind legs for jumping, metamorphosis from wingless nymph to winged adult, ability to produce sounds, antennae that may be long and thin, or short depending on the species, chewing mouthparts (most species are vegetarian but a few crickets feed on other insects).
Leokimvideo is the home of the 'Big Spider Attacks' videos on youtube! You must have written permission from me to use any part of this video, that's the rules.
Web Links :
Links about critters being eaten alive by Humans
Human spider, insect-eating is common to cultures in most parts of the world, including North, Central, and South America; and Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. Over 1,000 species of insects are known to be eaten in 80% of the world's nations. The total number of ethnic groups recorded to practice entomophagy is around 3,000. However, in some societies insect-eating is uncommon or even taboo
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Black Widow Redback Spider Sucking Grasshopper Graphic Timelapse Study ─ leokimvideo

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